Thursday, 17 October 2013

Blog North Awards

As some of you may know, our blog - this one, right here! - was shortlisted for the Best Food and Drink blog category at the Blog North awards, part of Manchester Literature Festival. Whilst we didn't come away with an acceptance speech to rival Gwyneth's, there was one whose did - and I mean that in a nice way (for all you Paltrow haters out there). Winner of Best Personal Blog, Wife After Death recounts in a heartbreaking yet simultaneously hilarious manner life after her husband's death. Being a 'food blogger' (I wish there was some synonym I could use for that; its connotations now grate on me like a sandpaper bed sheet), it's easy to become engrained in the world of um, food blogging and ignore some of the wonderful and heartfelt writing that is expedited via the means of our beloved Internet.

Reading the other shortlisted blogs, I hope you'll forgive me for saying - and what poor marketing this is - but that our blog felt somewhat mundane. Hey guys look! We ate a meal. We made a meal. We drank some booze. How can that compare to the art of Thom Writes About Love Songs - a blog that will have you howling like a banshee - or the eye-opening Life Without Papers, Len Grant's second winning blog (his previous 'Her First Year' similarly revealing without any sense of intrusion), or Life Beyond Anorexia, a young woman's attempt to communicate her experiences to her family (the one I was most disappointed to see not win an award).

I'm not much of an expert on things, and I suppose blogging helps us to learn. Writing this blog has taught me a lot about food and drink, introduced me to some people I think are really, well, great to be honest - and made both of us pursue careers in writing. I worked as a copywriter for a while, which Jamie is also now doing - and we both have been fortunate to land writing positions with other external sites. (I realised that writing blog posts all day every day made me hate writing and I couldn't cope with that, so maybe I won't be pursuing a full-time career as a writer for the foreseeable future!).

In short, I guess what I'm trying to say is blogging is fucking great. I might not be as proud of our blog as some deservedly are of theirs, but in time I hope it will improve, that we as writers improve and that we'll become more creative in writing about food and drink. Yes, we may not be helping others to empathise with the plight of immigrants, or provide people with comedy gold, but hey - if writing this blog means others know where's good to get a shawarma, or where does the best cocktail in the North West, then at least we've done some sort of service, right? Hedonistic? Maybe. But hobbies are allowed to be, aren't they?

Congratulations to all those who own awards at the Blog North awards, every one is inspiring and I recommend everyone take a gander. For full details of the winners, take a look at the Blog North site.


  1. I had a very similar thing on Monday when I discovered (via the award's site) both of your blogs. Having just posted a style post about men's office fashion that quite frankly could have been written by a 12 year old, I found myself in tears, reading Wife after death's blog, compelled to carry on reading her fabulous witty writing and it just made me feel mine was so contrary and uninteresting. My excuse is that i've only just started and am 'finding my voice' (lol)
    You're absolutely right - there's space for us all. Look at traditional literature....if there's that amount of room for Vampire Romance then it says it all really.
    And I like blogs about food...i like your blog about there.
    Next stop I'm thinking of working my way through your top 10 mancs cheap eats!
    Sarah :)

    1. Sorry! We were without a desktop computer for quite some time so managed to miss comments. Thanks for reading and your comments and we would definitely recommend working your way through the top ten cheap eats ;) xx

  2. Well said, it's always good to have opportunities to come out of our bubble and see what else, and more importantly, who else is out there, trying to communicate with the rest of us. A great lesson of humility which we all need from time to time. If that's any worth, you are my food blog winners by miles and I know Miss Mash agrees.

  3. Oh god, Wife After Death is going to make me cry, isn't it?

  4. Seriously nice piece. You write a damn site better than me, so don't beat yourselves too much! :-)
